Only child
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To the lady who posted her story on having an only child... I also have an only child and, I wanted to share my story with you.
In the early years, I desperately wanted a sibling for my son. For four years, my husband and I tried IVF without success. I felt despair when I would see mums in the park or those with prams and a baby bump, ready to welcome their next addition. These were painful years and weighed heavily in my heart.
When my son was four, we conceived naturally but I miscarried. Devastation consumed me.
What I realised years later is that you must ask yourself, is a second child your own desire or your only child's? It's a different perspective.
My son, as 1 year old, would freak out if I paid attention to a friend's baby or toddler. As soon as he could speak, he let me know he only wanted his family of 3. To this day, he never desired a sibling.
As long as there is love in your family of 3, preserve it. The special love which created yours and your partner's beginning together, is also your only child's foundation.
My son is now 12. My husband and I didn't realise, at the start of our beginning, that we each had the slimmest of chances of ever conceiving.
We all start out thinking that the number of kids we imagine in our minds, will appear in our later lives. For many, this is the case and, for many, it's not. For us, our son is a miracle. And, for you, your only child is too.
It's a hard spot to have to sit in with the feelings you carry right now. It's conflicting to appreciate the gift in front of you whilst lamenting over a wish for the next child. I lost a lot of time with this, which I regret.
I planted a tree for the child I miscarried and, I try to live as presently as possible with the baby who's almost a teen now.
You are not alone. Never give up but, at the same time, cast your gaze a little wider to lighten your heart.
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49030 - 2022-03-31 10:40:38